Sunday, February 5, 2012

Social Media Changes the Super Bowl

Let’s face the facts; social media is changing our world and everything we hold sacred. Even the Super Bowl, America's greatest tradition has been altered by social media. Sure the on-field portion of the game is still the same, but everything else surrounding the game is changing to catch up with the public’s new favorite form of communication.

One of the most cherished portions of the week leading up to the Super Bowl does not actually have anything to do with football. The buzz about this year’s Super Bowl commercials grew to an all-time high with the increased exposure thanks to Twitter and Facebook. Corporations paid up to $3.5 million for a 30-second advertisement spot in Super Bowl XLVI. Many of these commercials also encouraged fans to get Tweeting about their products, such as Budweiser’s #herewego and #makeitplatnum, as well as, GE’s #whatworks, and Audi’s #solongvampires Twitter campaigns. 

Coca-Cola also ran an ingenious marketing strategy including the now-famous Coke bears. The advertisements aimed to get people interacting with Coke on Twitter and Facebook, as well as, checking out where the bears were ready to interact with fans.  Conversley, Papa John’s also lost big this Super Bowl by running a social media campaign stating that the company would give away free pizzas to America if the opening coin flip was heads. #Oops

To top off this opportunistic marketing moment, companies vied for the “most talked about” award. The award was created to honor the company that garnered the most mentions on Twitter in the week prior to the Super Bowl. This season, Dannon’s commercial, featuring John Stamos, earned the “most talked about” award with 1,170.4% increase over normal traffic on social media sites. 

We even are starting to judge the teams on the field by how much buzz they created on Twitter leading up the game. The New York Giants blew away the New England Patriots with roughly 63% of the tweets about Super Bowl containing a Giants mention.

Finally, the game day experience is changing, as fans look to Twitter for in-game news and updates about the teams, commercials and halftime show. In fact,  during the game, every trending topic was consistently about the Super Bowl. Some of the most popular hashtags went to #SB46, #jasonpierrepaul, #Madonna and #thisM&M. Whether we like it or not, American is changing to fit with the times and that includes out most sacred of events: the Super Bowl.

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